Rating Symbols and Definitions

Rating symbols



CareEdge AAA

Denotes highest degree of safety regarding servicing of debt obligations with lowest credit risk.

Investment Grade

CareEdge AA

Denotes a high degree of safety regarding servicing of debt obligations carrying very low credit risk.

CareEdge A

Denotes adequate degree of safety regarding servicing of debt obligations with low credit risk

CareEdge BBB

Denotes a moderate degree of safety regarding servicing of debt obligations with moderate credit risk.

CareEdge BB

Denotes inadequate degree of safety regarding servicing of debt obligations with high credit risk.

Speculative Grade

CareEdge B

Denotes high vulnerability to default regarding servicing of debt obligations with very high credit risk.

CareEdge CCC

Denotes very high vulnerability to default regarding servicing of debt obligations with substantial credit risk.

CareEdge CC

Denotes imminent likelihood of default.

CareEdge C

Denotes imminent likelihood of default and/or restructuring with potential loss of principal.

CareEdge SD

Denotes default on one or more instruments while obligations on other instruments are being honoured.

CareEdge D

Denotes default on debt obligations.

Modifiers {"+" (plus) / "-"(minus)} can be used with the rating symbols for the categories CareEdge AA to CareEdge CCC. The modifiers reflect the comparative standing within the category.